Investor onboarding
Investor registration
Project funding invitation
actor i as Investor
participant ip as Investor portal
participant is as Growr Investor service
participant lp as Lending portal
actor o as Originator
alt Project is opened to investors
i->>ip: Select a project
i->>+ip: Request invitation
ip->>-is: Request invitation
activate is
is->>is: Create investment intent
is-->>-o: Notification
o->>lp: View requests
o->>+lp: Send invitation
lp->>-is: Send invitation
activate is
is->>is: Create/update investment intent
is-->>-i: Notification
Process steps:
- An investor reviews the projects through the Investor portal and selects one that is open for investment.
- The investor requests a funding invitation for the selected project.
- The Investor portal sends the request to Growr Investor service.
- Growr Project investor service registers the investment funding intent with the status REQUESTED.
- Growr Project investor service sends an email notification to the originator.
- An originator admin reviews the funding invitation requests in the Lending portal.
- The originator sends an invitation for project funding to a given investor (with or without an existing invitation request).
- The Lending portal sends the request to Growr Investor service.
- Growr Project investor service registers (or update if existing) the investment funding intent with the status INVITED.
- Growr Project investor service sends an email notification to the investor.
Project funding commitment
actor i as Investor
participant ip as Investor portal
participant is as Growr Investor service
actor o as Originator
i->>ip: View funding invitation
i->>+ip: Confirm invitation
ip->>+is: Confirm investment intent
is->>is: Update investment intent
is->>is: Generate contract
is->>-ip: Return contract
ip->>-i: Present contract for signing
i->>+ip: Sign contract
ip->>+is: Provide signature
is->>is: Update investment intent
is-->>o: Notification
is-->>-ip: Confirmation
ip-->>-i: Confirmation
Note over i: Ready to fund
Process steps:
- An investor is invited to fund a project.
- The investor confirms the funding invitation through the Investor portal, indicating the investment amount, funding source and wallet address.
- The Investor portal sends the confirmation to Growr Investor service.
- Growr Project investor service updates the investment intent with the status CONFIRMED.
- Growr Project investor service generates an investment contract between the investor and the originator.
- Growr Project investor service sends the contract back to the Investor portal.
- The investor downloads the contract from the Investor portal and reviews it.
- The investor signs the contract.
- The Investor portal sends the signed contract together with the investor’s signature to the Growr Project investor service.
- Growr Project investor service updates the investment funding intent with the status SIGNED.
- Growr Project investor service sends an email notification to the originator.
- Response message.
- Response message.