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Loan repayment

Cash payment

  actor F as Borrower
  actor MC as Originator agent
  participant AT as USSD provider
  participant GPS as Growr Payment service
  participant GLS as Growr Loan service

  F->>MC: Pay loan instalment in cash
  MC->>+AT: Enter phone number and amount
  AT->>+GPS: Request payment code
  GPS->>GPS: Generate payment code
  GPS->>-F: Send payment code
  alt Agent confirms the code
    F->>MC: Dictate the code
  MC->>+AT: Enter the code
  else Borrower confirms the code
    F->>+AT: Enter the code
  AT->>-GPS: Provide the code
  activate GPS
  GPS->>+GLS: Confirm loan payment
  GLS->>GLS: Update loan
  GLS->>-GPS: Confirm subscription update
  GPS-->>-F:Send SMS notification

Process steps:

  1. An originator agent visits a borrower and reminds him/her about an upcoming loan payment. The borrower pays the amount in cash to the agent.
  2. The agent registers the payment by entering the borrower’s phone number and the paid amount through a specific USSD menu.
  3. The USSD provider sends the request to the Growr Payment service.
  4. Growr Payment service generates a unique OTP code for the respective loan payment.
  5. Growr Payment service sends an SMS with the OTP code to the borrower.
  6. The borrower dictates the code to the agent.
  7. The agent enters the code to verify the transaction.
  8. Alternatively, the borrower enters the code by himself.
  9. The USSD provider sends the confirmed code to the Growr Payment service.
  10. Growr Payment service verifies the code and asserts the payment in front of the Growr Loan service.
  11. Growr Loan service registers the payment event and updates the loan - respectively increasing the paid amount and decreasing the due amount.
  12. Growr Loan service returns a confirmation to the Growr Payment service.
  13. Growr Payment service sends an SMS notification to the borrower.

Mobile payment

  actor F as Borrower
  participant AT as USSD provider
  participant MPP as Mobile payment provider
  participant GPS as Growr Payment service
  participant GLS as Growr Loan service

  F->>+AT: Initiate a payment
  AT->>+GPS: Request payment code
  GPS->>GPS: Generate payment code
  GPS->>-F: Return payment code
  F->>+MPP: Make a payment
  MPP-->>-GPS: Notify for payment
  activate GPS
  GPS->>GPS: Verify payment code
  GPS->>GLS: Confirm payment
  activate GLS
  GLS->>GLS: Update loan
  GLS->>-GPS: Confirm loan update
  GPS-->>-F: Send SMS notification

Process steps:

  1. According to the loan repayment schedule, a borrower initiates a payment request from the respective USSD menu.
  2. The USSD provider sends the request to the Growr Payment service.
  3. Growr Payment service generates a unique code (with a predefined prefix) for the respective loan payment.
  4. Growr Payment service sends an SMS with the payment code to the borrower.
  5. Using the provided code, the borrower makes a payment using his Mobile Money wallet.
  6. The Mobile payment provider detects a payment with the given prefix and notifies Growr Payment service about the transaction.
  7. Growr Payment service verifies the payment code from the transaction.
  8. Growr Payment service asserts the payment in front of the Growr Loan service.
  9. Growr Loan service registers the payment event and updates the loan.
  10. Growr Loan service returns a confirmation to the Growr Payment service.
  11. Growr Payment service sends an SMS notification to the borrower.

Onchain payment

In progress