Loan utilization
Loan disbursement
In progress
Service tracking with phone
actor S as Orignator agent
actor B as Borrower
participant US as USSD Provider
participant GLS as Growr Loan service
S->>B: Provide service
S->>+US: Mark service as provided
US->>-GLS: Send information
activate GLS
GLS->>GLS: Generate OTP
GLS->>-B: Send SMS with OTP
B->>+US: Provide OTP
US->>-GLS: Confirm service
activate GLS
GLS->>-GLS: Register event
Process steps:
- An agent from the originator (or from a local service provider) provides the service/good, for which the borrower applied.
- The agent marks the service as successfully provided using a USSD interface.
- The USSD provider sends the information to the Growr loan service.
- Growr Loan service generates an OTP code.
- Growr Loan service sends an SMS with the code to the borrower.
- The borrower browses the USSD menu and enters the received OTP code.
- The USSD provider sends the confirmation to the Growr Loan service.
- Growr Loan service registers the event in the internal Loan Event book.