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Loan utilization

Loan disbursement

In progress

Service tracking with phone

    actor S as Orignator agent
    actor B as Borrower
    participant US as USSD Provider
    participant GLS as Growr Loan service

    S->>B: Provide service
    S->>+US: Mark service as provided
    US->>-GLS: Send information
    activate GLS
    GLS->>GLS: Generate OTP
    GLS->>-B: Send SMS with OTP
    B->>+US: Provide OTP
    US->>-GLS: Confirm service
    activate GLS
    GLS->>-GLS: Register event

Process steps:

  1. An agent from the originator (or from a local service provider) provides the service/good, for which the borrower applied.
  2. The agent marks the service as successfully provided using a USSD interface.
  3. The USSD provider sends the information to the Growr loan service.
  4. Growr Loan service generates an OTP code.
  5. Growr Loan service sends an SMS with the code to the borrower.
  6. The borrower browses the USSD menu and enters the received OTP code.
  7. The USSD provider sends the confirmation to the Growr Loan service.
  8. Growr Loan service registers the event in the internal Loan Event book.