Growr node deployment
There are 2 main options for Growr node deployment:
- Self-hosted by originators or capital providers
- Managed by the Growr team
In progress
Managed service
In progress
Organization setup
Once the Growr node is deployed, the first thing to do is to create an organization with one initial user.
actor A as Node Operator
participant Nop as Node Operator portal
participant Org as Growr Organization service
participant User as Growr User service
A->>+Nop: Configure new organization
Nop->>Org: Forward request
activate Org
Org->>Org: Create organization
Org->>+User: Request org admin creation
User->>User: Create user
User-->>-Org: User created
Org-->>-Nop: Org and user created
Nop-->>-A: Confirmation message
Process steps:
- Growr node operator setups a new organization through the Node Operator portal.
- The portal routes the request to the Growr Organization service.
- Growr Organization service creates a new record in the Organizations collection.
- Growr Organization service sends a request to the Growr User service to create an initial admin user for the new organization.
- Growr User service creates a new record in the Users collection.