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User setup

Currently, the Growr User service supports 5 types of users:

User invitation

In order for a user to be registered, one of the following prerequisites must be met:

    actor A as Registered Org user
    participant Lp as Lending portal
    participant Org as Growr Organization service
    participant User as Growr User service
    actor B as New Org user

    A->>Lp: Review users
    A->>+Lp: Invite a new user
    Lp->>Org: Forward request
    activate Org
    Org->>+User: Request org user creation
    User->>User: Create user
    User-->>-Org: User created
    Org-->>B: Send email/SMS invitation
    Org-->>-Lp: User invited
    Lp-->>-A: Confirmation message

Process steps:

  1. A registered user reviews the list of users in the Lending portal.
  2. The user configures a new user.
  3. The portal routes the request to the Growr Organization service.
  4. Growr Organization service sends a request to the Growr User service to create a new user related to the organization.
  5. Growr User service creates a new record in the Users collection.
  6. Response message.
  7. Growr Organization service sends an invitation email with a link to the Lending portal and (optional) OTP code.

User registration

Currently, the Growr User service supports 3 types of registration:

User registration with a social account

Prerequisite: The user has received an invitation email.

    actor L as New user
    participant LP as Lending Portal
    participant Api as Growr API service
    participant Goo as Google OAuth server
    participant User as Growr User service

    L->>LP: Open signin page
    activate LP
    LP->>+Api: Redirect to auth page
    deactivate LP
    Api->>-Goo: Request access
    activate Goo
    Goo->>+L: Redirect to Google auth page
    L->>-Goo: Provide consent
    Goo->>-Api: Return user data
    activate Api
    Api->>-User: Forward request
    activate User
    User->>User: Activate the user
    User->>+LP: Return token
    deactivate User
    LP->>-L: Redirect to Dashboard

Process steps:

  1. An invited user opens the Lending portal and is automatically redirected to the /signup page where the user initiates the signup process.
  2. The Lending portal redirects the user to the authentication route of the Growr API service.
  3. Growr API service calls the Google authentication API.
  4. Google authentication server redirects the user to the authentication page.
  5. The user selects one of his available Google accounts and provides the requested consent.
  6. Google authentication server confirms the authentication and returns the user data to the Growr API service.
  7. Growr API service redirects the request to the Growr User service.
  8. Growr User service updates the record (changes the status to ACTIVE) in the Users collection.
  9. Growr User service returns a token to the Lending Portal. The token will be used for all subsequent calls to Growr services.
  10. The Lending portal lets the user in and redirects him/her to the main page (Dashboard).

User registration with email and password

Prerequisite: The user has received an invitation email with an OTP code.

    actor NU as New User
    participant LP as Lending Portal
    participant User as Growr User service
    NU->>LP: Open signin page
    NU->>+LP: Enter email, OTP, new password
    LP->>+User: Request user registration
    User->>User: Validate OTP
    User->>User: Activate the user
    User->>-LP: Return token
    LP->>NU: Redirect to Dashboard
    deactivate LP

Process steps:

  1. An invited user opens the Lending portal and is automatically redirected to the /signup page where the user initiates the signup process.
  2. The user enters his email (where an invitation was received), the received OTP code and configures a new password.
  3. The Lending portal sends a request for registration of the new user with his/her email and password.
  4. Growr User service validates the provided OTP code.
  5. Growr User service updates the record (changes the status to ACTIVE) in the Users collection.
  6. Growr User service returns a token to the Lending Portal. The token will be used for all subsequent calls to Growr services.
  7. The Lending portal lets the user in and redirects him/her to the main page (Dashboard).

User registration with phone

Prerequisite: The user has received an invitation SMS with an OTP code.

    actor NU as New user
    participant US as USSD provider
    participant GRS as Growr User service
    participant GIS as Growr Identity service

    NU->>US: Dial USSD
    NU->>+US: Provide OTP
    US->>-GRS: Register user
    activate GRS
    GRS->>GRS: Validate OTP Code
    GRS->>-NU: Request PIN
    NU->>+US: Provide PIN
    US->>-GRS: Set user PIN
    activate GRS
    GRS->>GRS: Activate user
    opt If user is borrower
        GRS->>GIS: Create identity
    GRS->>-NU: Access to USSD menu

Process steps:

  1. An invited user dials a number to receive a USSD menu.
  2. The user provides the OTP code that was received as an SMS.
  3. The USSD provider sends a request for registration of the new user with a phone number.
  4. Growr User service validates the provided OTP code.
  5. Growr User service requests a PIN to be provided by the user.
  6. The user enters and confirms a PIN using the USSD menu.
  7. The USSD provider sends a request for PIN setting to Growr User service.
  8. Growr User service registers the PIN and updates the record (changes the status to ACTIVE) in the Users collection.
  9. Growr User service requests from Growr Identity service to create an SSCR identifier (DID) and a private key.
  10. The user is authorized to access the full USSD menu options.

Suspending users

Administrators (admins and/or super-admins) can temporarily block other users to prevent them from using the node services.

    actor A as Administrator
    participant Lp as Lending portal
    participant User as Growr User service

    A->>Lp: Review users
    A->>+Lp: Block a user
    Lp->>+User: Forward request
    User->>User: Block user
    User-->>-Lp: User suspended
    Lp-->>-A: Confirmation message
    A->>+Lp: Unblock a suspended user
    Lp->>+User: Forward request
    User->>User: Unblock user
    User-->>-Lp: User blocked
    Lp-->>-A: Confirmation message

Process steps:

  1. An administrator reviews the list of users registered in the node.
  2. The user selects a given user from the list and requests its suspension.
  3. The Lending portal sends the suspension request.
  4. Growr User service updates the record (changes the status to BLOCKED) in the Users collection.
  5. Response message.
  6. Response message.

The steps for unblocking the user (i.e. removing his/her suspension) are the same.